Vestibulum commodo Manifest Anything You Want
April 17, 2024
The Fastest way to breakthrough any challenge you are facing?
April 26, 2024

A message for you from the council of light

As I write this, a message from the Council of Light is channeled through me. Here is their message for you:

“Humanity is in troubling times, and you see this everywhere. To create a ‘new earth’ and bring peace to humanity, divine intervention is now needed. We ask you to trust us and allow us to guide you on your path to overcome all your challenges and accomplish all your dreams. We are here for you now to embark on this beautiful journey. Take our hand and change your life. We, the priests of nature, guides of the past, and proclaimers of the future, have a divine plan for you. This plan includes a beautiful journey where we all help each other through divine intervention to embark on our unique journeys and become what we were all destined to be.

We are your saviors, your archangels, your guides. We now ask you to allow us to guide you to a path of righteousness, love, and oneness. We are all one. We cannot force you to take our hand; the decision will always be up to you. Take the path now, enlightened one, and see where your journey leads you. You are the power, creator, and master of your own fate.”

Always Remember:

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life and realize there isn’t anything left. My entire life reflects back at me from a vantage point. As I sit atop a tall building beneath the night sky, I wonder what life could look like if I change. Is change even possible, he asked? Yes, change is possible if you allow the light to enter and step out from the darkness. I am both what you are and what you are not. I am the shadow and I am the light. If change is what you seek, I can move you from the shadow into the light. Take my hand, dear one, as I guide you away from temptation and deliver you from evil.

I will bring you to the light, and together we will shape your future. This message is intended for whomever comes to this page.

May the divine power be with you forever and always, keeping you in this guiding light.



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